I knew I would be doing the Whole30 immediately following Christmas, so I was doing my best to adhere to the program for the weeks prior, so it wouldn't be so hard when I officially started.
I had a couple of "bad" meals right around Christmas, but I wasn't about to turn a bad meal into a bad day... So, I just did the best I could with every situation, enjoyed the holiday and moved on. Overall, I am very happy with how I ate during the holidays.
I have to post this picture of Josh and I on Christmas Eve... This photo says a lot, it really does. First off, my husband has a bad back, and secondly - there is just no way he would have even attempted this last year - or any other year...
Looking at this picture really makes me see how far I have come. I don't look spectacular up there or anything, but just the fact that I was up there in the first place... It's just a HUGE accomplishment for me, and for Josh. ;) And our poor Max, was very worried that his Momma was up there. It's just a great picture, and one that I love!
Moving on...
Our holiday was spent with family and friends... Overall, it was a great holiday. I was able to spend it with the people I love the most, and that is the most important part. Of course, there were a few people missing - but we had a great time and enjoyed ourselves.
A picture of my "kids" on Christmas Eve... My oldest daugther and her boyfriend, my youngest daughter and our dog. My oldest daughter says I am creepy because I think of her boyfriend as one of my other kids - but oh well... He is here so much, I am just used to him being around. So, she just can just deal with it. :)
A few other random pictures from the holidays...
My oldest daughter and I on our way to visit my Dad.
And my It Starts with Food book - which arrived a few weeks prior to Christmas, just in time for me to dig in and make my holiday a little less bad. :)
Then - Allison, her boyfriend, me and Victoria playing Monopoly on New Years Eve... We had to take pictures of the game board and pack it up to resume another day. As usual - Monopoly goes on forever. But we all had a great time, I think. :)
And then, my kitchen... A week prior to Christmas, I had the brainy idea to redo our floors. They were driving me nuts. Which turned into, redoing the floors, then we needed new trim, then we decided to make our coat closet (not pictured) deeper, and put a new basement door in. This is still a work in progress, as you can see in the above photo... with the excess trim in the background. :) But it looks so much nicer, Josh is doing a great job with it!
So, that's all for Holiday stuff.
Now, I am starting Day 6 of my Whole30... I am still pretty excited about it. I am not sure what is going on, but I am not having many of the symptoms/side effect of the "typical Whole30"... I am not sure if it's because I was doing my best to be compliant for a few weeks prior? Or if it's because I've been eating Primally for the last year, so the amount of "stuff" I had to give up with this was pretty minimal? Whatever it is, my Whole30 seems to be going very well, and I am really liking it. I am sure that's about to change, as boredome sets in... But I am already feeling great and I am even seeing some nice size loss. I know my measurements/weight will be a little scewed when I am finished with this 30 days, since I didn't weigh/measure at the beginning of it. But I am definitely seeing a visual difference in myself this early in the game, which makes me quite happy.
I am also back to my regular workout/lifting routine after the holidays. To be honest, I only missed 2 scheduled work outs during that time... Both days because I was sick. So, I am feeling good on that front too.
I have big dreams and goals for this Whole30... Of course, I want my size loss... It is my "ultimate goal" to be a solid size 8 by the time summer hits, and judging by the way I am going now, I do think it's doable. I am also hoping this W30 gives me better control over my food choices - especially my morning coffee habit (something I've been struggling with for a while now). I am on day 6 of "black coffee" with only adding cinnamon for a flavor boost. It's pretty awful, but each day is better and better - so I guess that's progress? I am also anxious to see what other things my body has in store for me - the things I didn't think about, or I didn't know I needed to. And to be honest, I kind of hope I am able to stick with this longer than 30 days, I enjoy it enough that I think it's something I could carry forward with. Who knows? I am only on Day 6... I might change my mind in 15 more days?
I hope that everyone has a nice New Year, I hope all of you are finding ways to change your lives in a meaningful way that's sustainable for a lifetime. :)
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