Saturday, October 10, 2015

I really hate finding titles for my blog posts...

I can write, no problem...  but trying to title something - well, it's probably the hardest part of blogging.

Hmmm...  It's been a month again.  Whoops - I've just been so busy!

I have so many things going on!

As far as my healthy living lifestyle - life is good!  I am slowly, but surely, bumping up my running endurance, by gaining mileage slowly.  I love going out and pushing myself to go further, go longer, go faster! 

In the last month - I've completed my first 2 5k races...  6 days apart.  I had a lot of fun doing both of them...  And I have dreams of doing many more in the future! 

I've also been running a lot of hills.  Due to where we live, hills are abundant - and I have my choice to run any of them, for that matter - it's pretty hard to find flat land anywhere nearby...  So, hilly runs are my life.  I finally tackled one of the bigger ones in our area last week, and I was so proud of myself!  I still have the biggest one on the other side of it to do - which won't happen for a while yet, probably not until spring.

I also did my very first 5 mile run last weekend!  That was awesome!  I was able to do it in my home town with one of my cousins - who is also one of my very BFFs - we grew up together and we are incredibly close - so it was a lot of fun to share this with her!

I've decided that I really want to get these last few sizes off - so I plan to add some Beachbody workouts to my routine.  Many people love them, and have success with them, so I hope it give me the kick in the rear that I need.

Also, I just purchased a Fitbit Charge...  That was a difficult decision...  Target is running a promotion for Team Members - We could choose a Fitbit Zip for free, a Fitbit Flex for 50% off, or a Fitbit Charge, Charge HR, or Surge for 25% off.  In the end - even though the discount wasn't as great, I decided on the plain ol' Charge...  I really just wanted the actual read-out on my wrist, and I really don't care about knowing my heart rate.  So far, I am happy with my decision.  I love seeing how active I am, and how well I sleep.  For the record - most days - I am pretty active, especially on my run days...  And I sleep really well.  So, it's cool to track all of this.

In non-running news...  I am prepping for my next Disney trip!  I am so excited for this one!  I have most of my bags finished and ready, and my outfits all lined up and packed - even if it is way too early to begin packing.  ;)  It never hurts to be prepared.  I am going with two of my very best friends - and I cannot wait to share this experience with them!

I think that's about all for this post.  I've just been running, and lifting and running some more!



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