Sunday, September 14, 2014

Finding my way again.

The girls and I have been home from Disney for a little over 2 weeks.  I was really nervous about this trip - both about the food I was going to be consuming while I was there, and about how I was going to find my path again when I got home.

Mentally - I prepared as best as I could before we left.  I looked over menus.  I made lists of foods I planned to eat.  I made lists of foods I knew I loved from previous trips - regardless if they fit into my Primal way of eating or not.  And, of course, then there were the things that I just ate because they appealed to me in that moment.

As my vacation progressed, I turned down fewer and fewer items...

Now, I don't want anyone to think that I threw my arms up and gave up for the duration of our trip... I did try to eat as close to Primal as I could in every situation.  For every meal, I ordered the most Primal looking meal I could order... To be honest - it was the desserts that set me off track. We were on the Disney Dining Plan - so, you get a dessert for Every. Single. Meal.

And my body could feel it.  Even looking at our vacation pictures - The longer we were there, the thicker my waist became.  By our last day, I knew I was carrying around excess water weight, because I felt like I was walking on balloons.

Then we came home.  I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to find my way back.  But I felt awful, and I knew if I went back to eating primally, I would feel better almost immediately.

Even though this trip was a huge focus for me for so long...  I knew when I left, I still had goals I wanted to reach, and darn it - I was going to reach them! 

If you are anything like me, you work so hard "to look great for the trip" - that you forget about what you are going to do when you get home - if you even care to continue on at that point. I've been there, I've done that - numerous times.

So, we came home - and immediately I was back to eating in a Primal way.

I am not perfect - not by any means.  But I try hard.

I've worked so hard, mentally, to get myself away from that "diet" mentality.  This way of eating isn't something I plan to give up once I reach my "goal"...  I truly enjoy eating this food, and I am much more satisfied.  Besides, I never realized how horrible processed food tasted until I stopped eating it.

So, here I am...  2+ weeks after we've returned from our trip...  Fully enjoying my Primal ways again.  Any and all bloat I experienced from the trip is long gone.  I'd like to think I am back on my way of losing size - but regardless - I feel great, so that's what matters most to me.  The size loss is just an added benefit of everything else.

I love, as the days go on, I am much more confident, healthier, stronger and happier... 

I am thrilled that I have found my life again..  I can enjoy it - and the people I love can enjoy being with me!

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