Monday, September 29, 2014

I need to make a few changes.

I am feeling a little frustrated with myself these last few days.

I've been working really hard.

I have picked up where I left off before our trip.

And I have reverted to eating Primally.

I feel good.

But I don't feel like I am getting smaller...  I feel like my size is staying the same, I have been this size since about June.  I have not weighed myself in almost 2 months.  I am due to weigh and measure tomorrow, and I am not expecting a gain or a loss...  I am almost certain of this, as there has been no change at all in the way that my clothes fit me...  If  anything - my shorts are a little tighter.  :(

This frustrates me.  So, I've decided to go back to journaling my food in My Fitness Pal.  I hate journaling - almost more than anything else.  I hate that I have to tie myself down, and spend so much time figuring my food intake/building recipes...  It annoys me.  But I need to lock in on why I am spinning my wheels.

I've also decided that I am keeping the 30 Day Shred in my life for a few more weeks.

On top of that, I think I am going to go back to my New Rules of Lifting for Women weight lifting routine.  Which means - I need to start all over at Level 1 - but that's OK.  I feel like I am getting stronger with what I am doing on my own - but I don't feel like I am pushing myself hard enough and I am being a little too relaxed.  I think if I put myself back on a *real* routine - I may be able to push past this.

I am all for losing size slowly, and gaining muscle mass slowly - but with virtually no gains/losses over the last few months, clearly - I need to adjust things.

I also think I need to knock out some of my potato intake - for the time being.  I don't need to cut them out completely, but I was up to nearly 1 per day, and I think that might be too much for now.  So, I am going to try to limit potatoes to only a few per week.

I'd really like to be down another size by the holidays.  And I'd really like to be closer to my goal size by next summer.


1 comment:

  1. You look amazing. I totally get having to stay on a routine. It is easy to slack if you are not following a set routine. DH and I work out together we are following HASfit's 90 day warrior workout but it is hard on the days when i want to take a spin class with friends since it throws off DH's workout routine. Or if one of us is sick- then the other person has to decide do they take a day off or what routine do they do?
